Fiche cheval call me lu

R6C2 du

plathandicap 23405happy valley1000M98091cornflower handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
15starry nightH53p7p8p4p9pdee m./100:57
23strive for gloryH61p4p0p0p3pferraris l./1encolure
36goodmanshipH65p9p(22)5p6phewitson l./11 l 3/4
44jazz steedH89p9p0p0p8pcurrie l./13/4 l
58tronic mightyH62p3p4p(22)2ppurton z./1tete
62har har at heartH50p7p0p(22)0pbadel a./11/2 l
710treasure of fieldH66p0p9p0phamelin a./1tete
812this is gutsH60p0p6p0pyeung m.l./11/2 l
91dragon kingdomH67p2p0p6p9pteetan k./1tete
107six best friendsH58p0p(22)0p0pchung y.l./11 l 3/4
1111call me luH66p0p0p(22)0ppoon m.f./13/4 l
129shiny twoH60p9p0p(22)0pmo h.t./1encolure

R2C2 du

plathandicap 27424happy valley1000M98091bowrington handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
11kowloon east starH62p0p0p7pchadwick m.5.65/100:56
29raging blazeH61p2p5p(22)5pleung k.c.5.7/13/4 l
36tronic mightyH64p(22)2p1p0pho c.y.8.4/1encolure
410day day richH73p0p(22)6p6pchau c.l.5.65/11 l 1/2
58u w brotherH78p0p9p(22)7pyeung m.l.14/1encolure
63aca powerH71p2p5p(22)4pbowman h.9.85/1cte tete
74smart folksH65p0p1p3p2pferraris l.7.75/1encolure
82universal crownH77p0p0p2pteetan k.10/12 l
911booming wellH68p0p(22)4p0pbadel a.12/1encolure
1012call me luH60p(22)0p0p0ppoon m.f.55/1cte tete
117treasure of fieldH69p0p(22)9p8phamelin a.24/12 l
125encoreH68p4p(22)0p0phewitson l.42/11 l 3/4

R2C4 du

plathandicap 31012happy valley1200M102235mercury handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:15
13flying on the turfH74p5p0p0p0ppurton z.4.55/101:09
24g one excellentH52p2p8p4p3pho c.y.2.75/11 l 1/4
310heavenly thoughtH89p0p0p9p8phamelin a.43/11 l 3/4
46aca powerH65p2p0p0p5pcurrie l.22/12 l 1/2
59the good dealH57p7p6p7p0pchan k.h.63/1encolure
62take what you needH75p9p3p8p8pbowman h.5.8/11/2 l
75wins allH74p3p9p5p4phewitson l.34/1tete
812dashing geniusH45p6p0p0p6pteetan k.9.3/11/2 l
97prince of bon bonH77p0p(21)7p0ppoon m.f.112/11 l 3/4
101divine eraH64p7p0p0p0pleung k.c.17/11 l 1/4
118handsome guysH55p3p3p7p8pferraris l.6.55/11 l
1211call me luH50p0p9p0p0pyeung m.l.53/111 l

R6C1 du

plathandicap 34080sha tin (hong kong)1200M102235chung on handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 10:45
16diamond soarsH44p7p4p0p0pchau c.l./101:09
28g one excellentH58p4p3p4p9ppoon m.f./1encolure
35the multiplierH50p6p2p5p0phewitson l./1encolure
43wins allH73p9p5p4p5pchadwick m./12 l 1/2
51jazz steedH73p9p0p0p9pchan k.h./1encolure
67buddy spiritH50p0p9p0p8pbadel a./12 l
74smart folksH50p7p2p9p8phamelin a./11 l 1/4
82happy matadorH50p0p0p9p7pmaia r./11/2 l
912sure winnerH50p0p(21)7p0pleung k.c./13/4 l
1010tsuen wan gloryH56p0p0p0p8ph. w. lai/1tete
119call me luH50p9p0p0p0ppurton z./12 l
1211nobody knowsH40p0p0p0p0pmo h.t./11 l 1/4

R2C7 du

plathandicap 47396happy valley1000M113963hatton handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:45
17circuit sevenH5(21)0p3p6p4ppoon m.f./100:56
23forteH6(21)3p7p0p6ppurton z./1cte tete
38pretty queen prawnH5(21)5p4p9p9pchau c.l./1nez
42my ecstaticH63p(21)5p4p2pchadwick m./11 l 1/2
510star of wuyiH65p(21)6p5p0pleung k.c./11/2 l
66gang of brothersH5Inédithewitson l./1tete
74scotch tycoonH41p(21)7pho c.y./1cte tete
81fabulous eightH7(21)4p2p2p2pmoreira j./1encolure
912treasure of fieldH5(21)3p6p5p8phamelin a./11/2 l
105trust meH75p(21)6p8p5pshinn b./11/2 l
1111aquilaH76p(21)9p0p0pborges v./11/2 l
129call me luH50p(21)9p8pferraris l./13 l

R2C3 du

plathandicap 48431happy valley1200M113963kingston handicap - 2nd section12 partantsdépart à 11:45
Non-partants : 11
12toronado phantomH4(21)7p4p2p1pmoreira j3.85/101:10
212shadow runnerH6(21)4p5p0p0pyeung m l5.75/1encolure
31my ecstaticH6(21)5p4p2p5pchadwick m3.45/1encolure
43xponentialH7(21)2p2p2p2pchau c l10/1cte tete
56bingo bingoH5(21)0p7pborges v43/1nez
65herculesH7(21)2p6p0p9pteetan k7.95/1tete
79whiskey neatH6(21)0p6p2p5pshinn b7.05/11 l
810happy gatheringH6(21)4p1p3p8pbadel a26/11 l
94happy tangoH7(21)7p6p5p0phamelin a25/12 l
107call me luH5(21)9p8pmaia r123/11 l
118master aquaH5(21)0p0p7pleung k c55/113 l
11theta hedgeM5(21)6p4p8p9ppoon m f45/1

R2C5 du

plathandicap 50311happy valley1200M113963murrayfield handicap - sec 112 partantsdépart à 13:15
14flaming passionH41p8p7p5p0pchadwick m./101:09
211spartan missileH40p9p8pferraris l./13/4 l
39joyful geniusH46p9pbadel a./1encolure
45hero starH63p7p4p3p3pleung k.c./11 l
51fire ballH52p6p1p2p2pchan k.h./11 l 1/4
62shiny oneH40p8p0p0p0pbentley h./11 l 1/4
712take what you needH60p0p0p6p3pchau c.l./1cte tete
88baltic whisperH80p1p7p6p6phamelin a./11 l 3/4
96call me luH48pmaia r./1tete
1010aca powerH55p0p6p0p0pho c.y./13/4 l
113ka ying spiritH45p3p1ppurton z./11 l 1/2
127dashing geniusH3Inéditpoon m.f./15 l 1/2

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